This Full Moon in Gemini, my coven sister, Shahir and I spend some good time at my place to do our spreads and shares insights. We haven’t met each other for quite sometimes, and it’s all catch up and roast time. Of course, the fire signs in us wouldn’t rest.
We had a good dinner. We did our year wrap spread, and the year ahead spread. As for me, I’m feeling like I might just go with the flow next year. There’s a lot to unpack for the year ahead spread, but I’m going to talk about this particular Full Moon reading first.

For this spread, I used Tarot of Cloisters with Work Your Light Oracle.
The Tarot of the Cloisters is a round deck with a stained glass effect inspired by thirteenth century rose cathedral windows. The medieval figures and settings echo the traditional tarot images on the Rider-Waite deck.
I’m particularly chose this deck for my spread because of the duality of the nature, for Gemini and Sagittarius. Mirror is such a good reflection of how a good actor people with major placements of those mentioned. In the activist space, people hold their tongues and actions so that we won’t hurt each other, but are we letting problematic statements pass by, as we do that?
I am struggling to understand how the spirit of collaboration and mutual aid became more extinct in our society these days. As if our good deeds are made for front pages of newspapers. And for those, activists working in the background are becoming more and more burnout for doing unpaid labor and carrying secondhand trauma with us. The world could be a better place if we all look into the bright side of each other (Six of Vessels).
Two weeks ago, I went to a workshop where my teacher told me how activists are comfortable enough in our bubble, that we forget other people does not speak our language. I see the world is changing, but it’s my side of the world (Nine of Vessels). The beauty of the world your chose, is not a path where you live alone, and for that I’m breaking my comfort zone to understand where can I work more, especially in the next year.
I see the Universe is not kidding with me when my Sagittarius card opens on Sagittarius season. Temperance is all about moderation and balance. Patience is key. As an activist, the world is full of threat and our sense of security is constantly compromised. This year has been extremely overwhelming for me as I faced a lot of consequences for fighting in what I believe in. And never will I regret the path that I chose. It’s here to stay.
What need to be celebrated? Small collectives (Ace of Wands) are constantly struggling to fund themselves and continue doing our work. Most of collectives are donations based and rent their alternative spaces. From the struggle with landlords and donations to live day by day, collectives faced threat to stay relevant, especially when there is giant organization took away funds from us.
Collectivism need to be followed up with emotional maturity (King of Vessels). This year alone I’ve learned about friction in organizations and how to handle them maturely. And I want to believe that this area can be worked more rather than being petty. Disagreements are common in collectives, what we could do is to find consensus and where best to serve everyone’s benefit.
Finally, the idea of consensus is where everyone is happy (Two of Vessels). Most of our upbringing is about majority rules, where the minority’s voices are completely ignored. In consensus practices of collectivism, it’s about understanding what serves the best function for the collectives and without harming each other. Though the approach is more pacifist, but the idea should exist to serve those who needed it.
Overall, Work Your Light Oracle brings us back to the call when collectives are destructed when your interest is not served. I believe that in collectives, fights are something common and this is due to each other’s experience and upbringing. Therefore, re-align yourself through communication and boundaries that serves purpose, not aesthetically pleasing only.
Coming up with the year wrapped spread and the year ahead spread soon. Till then.