This tarotscope applies on Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus. As Sun enters Libra later today, there will be a lot of focus on sense of usefulness, friendship, worthiness and making space for care and trust.
Libra Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus

Scorpio Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus

Sagittarius Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus

Capricorn Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus

You have ignored a lot of signs coming from your body and your soul that it is tired and broken. As much as you try to put a strong front, sometimes you need to open up and start reflecting the way you’re treating others. Do not doubt about people wanting to help you. They will show up for you. People will shower you with care and love more than you expected they will give you. Time to enjoy your blessings.
Aquarius Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus

Pisces Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus

Aries Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus

You are impatient about the results of your work. Perhaps you feel like you’re chasing things around so that you could make time for things that you need and you want. But what you are running in circles and being counter-productive because of the fear of not accomplishing enough. Give yourself a break.
Taurus Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus

If you’re dealing with trust issues at the moment, reconsider your relationships with people that makes you feel icky or in doubt. Most of the time, it’s their words and actions that signals red flag. You’re learning boundaries in good direction, and you’re slowly building walls against things that are hurting you. Your emotions are at the right places.
Gemini Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus

You are making important decisions in your life. Whether to take that leap of faith or waiting for the divine timing, you are worrying about future a lot, rather than living in the moment. You focus so much in predicting and planning what future that you want, but only time and Universe can tell that journeys has detours to teach you some mini lessons.
Cancer Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus

Leo Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus

Go big or go home. That’s all that you have been thinking about for sometime now. You are putting risks into relationships that you once cared about, but this time, you have to do the right thing. Either way, you are thinking a lot and doing lesser work to execute your dreams. Time to shoot your plans and reboot when it doesn’t happen your way.
Virgo Rising, Moon, Sun and Venus
You are dealing with major health concern at the moment. You know that without rest and care about your physical health, you won’t be able to function as much as you aspire to do. Make sure you don’t miss any appointment or health check up. You can only seek for what you intend to seek when you treat your body and your soul fairly. You been neglecting all these signs because you put yourself as the last priorities. Don’t do that.