New Moon Spread

New Moon in Capricorn: Stormy Start

We entered 2021 with the hope that the year brings things that we manifests for ourselves. Our personal growth became an important theme, as the previous year challenge everything that seem as an ideal.

This is the first New Moon of 2021, the New Moon is in Capricorn, and so is the Sun and Venus. Looking inward, the Saturn ruled sign want matters to happen according to their way. It seems forceful and punishing, when no one knows what they really want.

I pulled a tarot card for this New Moon and another oracle card – the Sacred Self Care as a reminder of what we should focus on during this discipline transit.

From the Golden Girls tarot deck, Sophia with her binoculars is looking far into an island where there are resources. With the New Moon, work to understand what you truly wants. Your desire, your dreams, and put them in a vision board, draw them, or make some collages. Spend some time to work with your eyes and your fingers, and put those visualization really close to you, where you can see them everyday. This is a long journey and work for yourself, considering that most of us who lived in Malaysia is going to be under the state of emergency until August.

The question is what are the steps that we can take to get closer to the island (dreams/abundance/goals)? The binocular is just a tool to realign and remind us how close it is. We can always take a few steps more advanced that we have planned for ourselves.

While not forgetting to hydrate. That’s when the self-care comes in. Capricorn are always prepared with water source to keep them hydrated, they are the Seagoat. Capricorn understands that water is the fuel to keep the flow and energy going in and out of their body.

Don’t forget to drink water. They keep your system going. Keep a bottle of water close to you, that would remind you how much have you drink today.

The New Moon is always a new beginning, in Capricorn we accelerate and go further than we could imagine.

Tips are not necessarily but extremely appreciated. TIP ME HERE